The musings of a former office worker stuck in his house applying for jobs, when he would rather be out on the water.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Have You Ever Stepped on a Bee's Nest?

Well, have you? Because I have. Let me tell you all about it.

We were hiking, my Dad, Laura and I. I was probably 6 or 7 at the time? Maybe 5. Young. Anyway, I had just gotten my first camera for my birthday, and I was itching to try it out on this camping trip. You know how it when you're young, you get something and you want to use it.

Well, it was a 4 hour ride to the campsite. Which is long enough of a wait for a young kid. Then we had to hike to the campsite. I can't be blamed for what happened next. I made it maybe 300 yards from the car before I asked to take a picture of my dad and sister. Of course they agreed. I stepped off the trail a couple of yards and turned around. This is when the trouble started.

As I prepared to make photographic history, my Dad looked down and asked me a question that will stick in my mind forever.

"Phil, why is the ground moving underneath you?"

Turns out, I had stepped on a yellow jacket nest. Something resembling this.

But in my mind, it looked more like this.

We all ran, terrified, from the literal hornets nest I had stirred up. I got stung 3 times, as did my Dad. My sister, however, came out squeaky clean.

Lucky girl.


  1. Wow lucky escape! Hornets are nasty business!


  2. When I was younger, probably 6-8 years old, I spent a day after school stepping on bubble bees and picking them up into a collection I was forming. Killed about 14 of them before one of them stung my thumb even after death.

  3. You say she didn't get stung? Human females excrete certain pheromones that make them less attractive to bees. That same chemical also attracts mosquitos to them... Does she get bitten more?

  4. I have done this... thank you so much for reminding me of this wonderful childhood memory.

  5. I've done that before, I got covered in bee stings. Sucked.

  6. I myself have never personally stepped on a bee's nest. I do have a friend that stepped on a bee's nest during an elementry field trip she was on.. Leg got stuck in a hole while she was running(something like that) and she couldn't escape. She's had a phobia of bee's since.

    I've only fallen down trees and impaled my leg. I was stung once and if I had to choose, I rather be impaled, the shock covered the pain, haha.

  7. gahhhh I hate bees!

  8. I hate bees. They live all around my house. Is pretty fun killing them though =)

  9. Never been stung by a bee or hornet or anything like that, but have been stung by Jellyfish. That was different lol

  10. When I was in pre-school, I was stung by a bee in the playground, and I went to my caretakers to receive help. They however, decided that I was making it up and how to wait 5 hours before getting home to remove the stinger. /sigh

  11. oouuucch, thats good your sister got out though.

  12. I had a home gym in my basement a couple years ago. Woke up one morning at 6 to go work out, and I get rewarded with a wasp stinging me on the finger. Hurt for days.

  13. Ouuaa.. I can handle zombies, but bees?! No way.

  14. The only time I've ever been stung by a bee was inside of a grocery store. So stupid.

  15. This sounds like a horrible experience.

  16. Whats the anti venom for these things


  17. oh dear god, this reads like a horror story

  18. I stepped on a single bee before, that marks the only time I've ever been stung O.o
    I couldn't imagine pissing off that many bees at once.

  19. Wow so glad we dont have those in New Zealand

  20. Hornets are disgusting! are they deadly at all?

  21. Never stepped on a bee/hornet nest myself, but my dog once got a little too interested in one and wound up needing a trip to the vets.

  22. Wow, that sucks. Bees scare me.

  23. I have never been stung by a bee, I always come close and they just seem to avoid me for some reason.

  24. wow! great post, will be following this!

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