The musings of a former office worker stuck in his house applying for jobs, when he would rather be out on the water.

Monday, November 1, 2010


  Halloween was a complete success. My raven on my shoulder, Mr. Peepers, was quite the creepy sidekick for the night. He worked exactly as i planned he would. I spent my Halloween partying it up with my girlfriend at her house for a party. The party was a complete success except for one thing.
  My girlfriend and I decided to decorate her house a little bit, to put everyone in the spirit. And nothing says Happy Halloween like glow in the dark spiderwebs. We stretched out the spiderwebs, hung them up, and turned off all of the lights. Unfortunately, since it was 2:00 PM, light coming through the windows denied us the full glory of the glow. So we decided to take a walk while we waited for dark. A walk and couple pizzas later, it was dark, and we returned to the house, turned out the lights, and held our breath. And........ nothing happened. The cobwebs didn't even flicker, or blink. Most assuredly no glowing was going on. We decided that the party had to go on, and as people streamed in, I apologized profusely for the lack of glowing spiderwebs. The responses back went something like this:
"Who cares, where is the beer"
"You have spiderwebs? Where?"
"I don't care, where is the beer?"
Some people just have no culture. Ahh well, there's always next year.

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